How To Get A Raise At Work

make money Oct 26, 2018

In some circles (perhaps especially among millennials), being an employee has a stigma attached. When asked to think of ‘an employee’, many people will conjure up images of people working soulless jobs in little cubicles under artificial lights.

Indeed, there are many employees doing those types of jobs right now. If that is you, my only advice would be to get out as fast as you can!

Life is far too short for you to do work you hate for people you don’t like.

But employment...

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5 Reasons Why Envelope Budgeting Rocks

save money Oct 23, 2018

I love envelope budgeting. I think it is by far the best budgeting system out there and there are so many reasons why.

For anyone who is scratching their head, envelope budgeting is a budgeting system that uses multiple different ‘envelopes’ to track spending in different categories.

Envelope budgeting was created in the times of cold hard cash and snail mail.

At the end of the month, you would receive your wages, usually in cash, in a little brown envelope from your boss.


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Financial Resilience Part 2 - Insurance

save money Oct 18, 2018

Let me be clear – a lot of insurance is a total waste of money. The insurance industry loves to sell us overpriced insurance contracts that are almost impossible to claim on for things that we don’t really need.

With that said, it is also incredibly dangerous to have no insurance at all.

Certain things are worth having insurance for and other aren’t.

Although everyone will have a slightly different set of circumstances, as a general rule of thumb, I only recommend you insure...

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Financial Resilience Part 1 - Emergency Fund

save money Oct 16, 2018

Today I am going to look at building Financial Resilience.

Financial Resilience means that you are ready to cope with whatever life throws at you.

Even the best financial plans can be upset by an emergency car repair, a sudden illness or losing your job.

It pays to be prepared for all of these things otherwise you could get caught off guard.

Perhaps a pipe bursts in your house. Perhaps you lose your job or get sick so you can’t work.

The fact of life is that these things happen...

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The Wealth Secrets Of The Boomers (And How Millennials Can Benefit)

make money save money Oct 12, 2018

It has been widely publicised that the Baby Boomers are the wealthiest generation in history.

Born just after the war, their stratospheric increase in wealth has been largely attributed to rising property prices and a surging stock market, but is it really that simple?

Yes – there is no doubt that the boomers were helped along by their burgeoning property prices and stock market growth, but I don’t think that this really tells the whole story.

If you don’t own a property or...

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How To Make Your First Investment

make money Oct 09, 2018

When it comes to investing, the first step can often be the hardest.

Perhaps you have read all of the blogs and articles telling you how the stock market is the best thing since sliced bread (it is by the way).

You have read the books and taken the courses, but you are just a little unsure how to get started.

There are so many questions to answer when it comes to investing, especially for the first time, that you are not alone in getting a little stuck along the way.

The good news is that...

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Why A Regular Saver Is A Great Idea

make money save money Sep 05, 2018

Let’s face it saving money can be really tough!

You have to cover all of the bills, try to have some fun and then, hopefully, still have something left over at the end of the month to put away for the future. It’s not always easy.

Even if you do have some spare cash, where do you save it and how should you manage the process?

A regular savings account can be a great way to solve many of your savings issues.

I love my regular savings accounts and I always renew them every year,...

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When Is Debt A Good Thing?

debt make money Aug 31, 2018

We mostly think of debt as a really bad thing that we want to get rid of as soon as possible. However, there are some forms of debt that are really good for your financial health.

Despite them being good for your financial health, all of these ‘good’ debts come with a significant health warning.

Unless you are super disciplined and you know that you will not spend more money when you have debt available, you should skip this post and move on.

Although these ‘good...

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5 Side Hustles To Start Earning Extra Cash Today

make money side hustle Aug 29, 2018

Side hustles come in all sorts of different shapes and sizes. What separates a side hustle from true ‘passive income’ is that you will generally need to invest some time in your side hustle business.

If you have money and no time, then passive income ideas might be better for you.

If you have time and no money, step right up – a side hustle is for you.

Some side hustles can be started at zero cost, while others need some start up capital.

Some will start generating income...

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The Best Way To Pay Off Debt Fast

debt save money Aug 27, 2018

Debt has been described as a menace, as a virus, as a destructive force of evil and indeed it can be all of these things, if you let it.

Debt can also be used in certain ways to your advantage, however these methods are only for the most disciplined.

You have to be honest with yourself here, if you are likely to ‘miss-use’ debt if it is available to you, you are better off paying off all your debt and having none available at all.

But how exactly do you pay off debts. It can be...

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